It is based on combination of BIO active natural ingredients and BIOmimetic technologies.

Dental therapist Dr. Jost Reger laid the foundation of new formulation of the toothpastes coming from a sapiential story happened to him and his friend Giovanni Di Giacomo.  

Since there are so many choices about going to the Alps, once they went to the Matterhorn mountain which is the most recognizable mountain in the world and border between Switzerland and Italy.  Inspired with magnificent glaciers views they took a walk to Zermatt, the heart of the Matterhorn region.

Their walk could be spoiled with toothache happened to Giovanni since hypersensitive teeth were quite sensitive to cold temperatures. There were no medicines with them to treat toothache. All of a sudden Jost noticed Geranium flowers. He heard old legends about magic power of Geranium  and remembered bio-researches of this plant. Jost took a leave of the wild Geranium and attached it to the painful tooth. Geranium helped to relieve a sharp, throbbing pain.

Giovanni breathed with ease again, smiled and exclaimed: Dentissimo! He meant “Dentist,  Bravissimo!”

So was called the best New Natural formulation – Dentissimo.

The best way to keep Your Smile brilliant is to clean teeth with Dentissimo!